
Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Excerpts From "The Dump Chronicles" Day1

For the next few weeks, I will post excerpts from my work in progress, a childrens' environmental adventure series titled "The Dump Chronicles".

The story begins with Cappy, who is wandering in another world, underground, trying to get home.

Seeing a light, he follows it upward, thinking it leads home. Breaking through, he finds himself in a trash dump! The light, it turns out, is a shiny trash can lid, which he ends up wearing on his head.

Cappy doesn't like all the smells and odd colors of the dump, so he decides to go back the way he came. Unfortunately, the hole has now been covered by a giant El Toro trash masher!


33dp said...

Oh is this "work-in-progress" going to be a book or ?? anyway I think it could very well be something like that. I myself like rooting around in USAgovernmnt dumps.

septimus said...

Perhaps if Cappy loses the tin lid ha might be able to squeeze through and get home. We all need to lose our tin lids every once in awhile. So we can get back to a clean well lighted place.

Dirty Sally said...

I am slow at reading the comments. Actually in the dark
it IS difficult. But, eventually,
I found a Clean Well Lighted Place.