
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

What's Leftover

Eleven pm and thinking about what's leftover from this evening. Jesus, a waitress, a peg leg and a love song for a new grandson- You guessed it, the music of Terry Allen, Bukta Allen, Lloyd Maines,and one helluva banjo player named Richard Bowden for a crowd of locals who came together to listen to soulful, foot tapping, hand clapping, music. Music about the heart, music about every place and any place, music about you, music about me! A Rabbi dancing with his walker, toddlers holding hands, twirling about, a couple waltz, dinner on the ground, cheers and applause- the echoes of good laughter among friends- that's what's leftover from this nights "Bandstand music on the plaza" in Santa Fe, New Mexico. And it's great, it's just really great! Thanks Darby from Jackalope for being one of the ones to make this night possible for all of us to enjoy being just where we are!

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