
Monday, May 4, 2009

The Dump Chronicles Day Four

Quite early one Sunday morning stories circulated in the village about Grampa who had been gone for several days. Maybe, the village creatures said, he was captured, had gotten himself in trouble or was burnt up during the great fire. Probably, some people thought, Grampa Brown was stolen by the forest devil. After many years had passed, the stories got to be legends. Grampa remained missing and the creature began to wonder just what had happened to his “Grampa Brown”. So this particular morning, he set off on his own to find his Grampa Brown. Before he left on his adventure he told his Gramma he would return with something special. “You be careful child and remember your Grampa” Gramma said tenderly. “I will, Gramma”, said the creature and off he went.

The creature did not know where to look for his Grampa so he started walking straight from the Village Glory to the Forest Green. Surely, he thought, he would find his Grampa. With these thoughts in mind, he searched everywhere along the path hoping for a clue that would lead him to Grampa Brown. It wasn’t long before he found a cave and crawled in but no Grampa. Climbing out, he noticed some pinon nuts on the ground so he helped himself to a meal. Next, he found a camp site with a large, black bag. He tore the bag apart rummaging through crumpled white tissues, nibbling on pieces of crusted bread. For hours he wandered in the Forest Green, peeping under trees, behind rocks, and calling out “Grampa, Grampa” but to no avail. Finally, feeling full of goodies, the creature stopped near a very old Juniper tree. He leaned against the tree and closed his sleepy eyes for a nap.

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